We’re Rich!

02 Jul 2010, by Brian in Culture


Originally uploaded by autarken

Well, rich in our friends and experiences that is.

We’ve been lucky enough to befriend a former rallier, Chatham, from last year’s rally who lives in Seattle, and he kindly donated some of his Mongolian tugrik to us… then Joe Sabia, a SanFran rallier who also completed the journey last year (in his Fiat Seicento!), sent us his unspent tugrik too!! We are awash in tens of thousands of tugirk. Ok, so it’s a total of about $50, but still it reminds of being a millionaire in Italian lira when I was last there about 10 years ago, before they converted to the Euro.

I can’t wait until we have piles of Uzbek som that may barely buy us a meal!

Big thanks to Joe & Chatham for their donations to the cause.

And check out Joe‘s now famous video from last year’s rally, Tupac in Kazakhstan!

  • tom Reply

    That’s just the way it is!

    Great video!


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